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Important Facts About Wisdom Tooth Extraction by Dental Epping Clinic

They call it wisdom teeth because they sprout only between the ages of 17 and 24. By the time these teeth start to grow there is very little space for them to emerge straight and up like the other molars. This causes problems and necessitates removal which can be done at dental Epping clinic in a fast and painless procedure.

Interesting facts about wisdom teeth

  • These last set of molars acquired the name of wisdom teeth because they emerge at a later stage in life when a person is supposed to be wiser.

  • These teeth are a carry over from ancient times when people needed more molars to chew tough foods. Evolution led to smaller mouths and face sizes and that constrained spaces in which wisdom teeth could grow naturally.

  • The lack of space can make wisdom tooth grow outward, inward or even become impacted and grow horizontally. In the last instance, it causes pressure on the neighbouring molars and must be removed as soon as possible. It could grow straight but it may remain trapped within the jawbone and cause considerable discomfort.

Should you have your wisdom teeth removed?

Myths and misconceptions create fear about wisdom teeth. Like all generalizations, it is not necessary to have your wisdom teeth removed if they have grown straight and are aligned with the molars with no gaps in between. You can let these teeth stay in place. You will need to get these teeth extracted at Epping dental clinic only when:

  • The teeth grow at an angle and leave gaps. These gaps trap food debris that promote bacterial growth. The wisdom tooth and adjoining molar can become infected and likely to rot.

  • The tooth grows at right angles, horizontally instead of vertically. This requires extensive surgery.

  • The tooth is impacted and remains in the jawbone and does not fully emerge.

  • There is pain, presence of cyst or tumour, gum disease and infection.

Is it a painful and extended procedure?

If wisdom teeth have emerged at an angle then removal of such teeth is not difficult.

  • If the tooth abuts against the neighbouring molar then the procedure could be a bit extended since the tooth may have to be broken into pieces and then extracted with care.

  • If the tooth grows horizontally or is embedded within the jawbone then an extended surgical procedure is required. It takes time and the use of anesthesia. Insurance may cover part of the costs of such procedures of wisdom tooth extraction.

Some people are lucky in that they do not have any wisdom teeth at all. Majority of people have wisdom teeth and for them it is always advisable to monitor these teeth through regular visits to dentist. So long as the teeth are healthy and relatively upright you do not have to worry too much. Rawson Dental offers exceptional wisdom teeth monitoring and removal services in Epping, NSW and if you have wisdom teeth that need attention you are welcome to drop in for consultation.

Rawson Dental in Epping, NSW offers fast and painless wisdom teeth extraction services along with other dental services.

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